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The Kittyhawk Mk.IIa (P-40L) in 3 Sqn RAAF Service (Page 4)

Two photos of CV-Z FS407 in the Desert scheme. First photo taken at Foggia Nov 1943. The 2nd appears to be taken at Cutella, the sand dunes that the strip was built on being very visible.

CV-B visible in the background is believed to be FS449 after a repaint job. Although still in Desert scheme here, it is known to have had wheel markings like that in it's later Temperate repaint scheme. Also note CV-Y per P.3 in the background.

Photos A.Dawkins & B.Burchfield

Kittyhawk Mk.IIa, CV-Z, FS407, Foggia, Nov 1943.
Desert camouflage of Dark Earth and Midstone upper surfaces with Azure Blue lower surfaces. Spinner painted Red as per DAF
(Desert Air Force) orders with serials in Black. White code letters. Wheel hubs in Azure Blue.

The first photograph of FS482 was taken at Grottaglie near Taranto on the heel of Italy after 3 Sqn flew their aircraft over from Sicily (thus the drop tank which was required for the long trip). The other photo shows CV- FS482 in the background of Arthur Dawkins sitting in the cockpit of CV-B at Foggia in Nov 1943.

Note - A number of publications have claimed that FS482 carried female artwork with the name 'Fifi' on the port nose.  This is incorrect as the original source for this (Aircam Publications) mixed FS482 up with a 450 Sqn P-40N OK- which actually carried the artwork.  Ahhhh isn't plagiarism (the art of just copying someone else's work due to lack of knowledge and laziness to do some original research yourself) wonderful !!

Both Photos RAAF Official

Kittyhawk Mk.IIa, CV-, FS482, Foggia, Nov 1943.
Temperate Dark Green/ Dark Earth uppersurface scheme. The undersurfaces were painted in a colour called 'Sky Grey' (roughly #FS36595).
Codes in White and serials Black. Red Spinner. Wheel hub appears to be painted a Dark colour (Brown, Red ?) with a White rim.
Note the '' is actually on a mixed background of Green/Brown.  Shown just Brown here on the pullout view for clarity.

I'm not sure when the photo of this machine, CV-J FS433 was taken. However as John Howell-Price the pilot had from memory left the Sqn by the time they moved to Italy, it is probably Sicily. Unusual Code letters, the 'CV' being very 'fat' and the 'J' in a very unusual style.

Photo Reg Moore

Kittyhawk Mk.IIa, 3 Sqn RAAF, CV-J, FS413, Sicily, Jul/Aug 1943.  Pilot: John Howell-Price
Desert camouflage of Dark Earth and Midstone upper surfaces with Azure Blue lower surfaces. Spinner painted Red as per DAF (Desert Air Force)
orders with serials in Black. White code letters. See the pullout for more details of the code letters.

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