Welcome to the 3 Sqn RAAF Association Queensland pages of the 3 Squadron Web Site.
These pages will be updated every three months to ensure that ex-members of 3 Sqn, and current serving members, are brought up to date with the activities within the Qld. Branch of the Association.
I would like any thoughts etc. as to the
content to be referred to me at:
(Additional contact details listed at the end of this
All suggestions and criticism welcomed and suggestions will be
carefully considered.
- The criticisms will, in all probably, be filed in the WPB, thus
ensuring they will be treated with the upmost respect.
Queensland Membership Application Form
Sons and Daughters are welcome to join!
and Daughters Application Form
Explanation of the Heraldry of the 3SQN Assn Queensland Crest
eBOOK (17Mb) - "The Lizards That Flew"
- The reconfiguration of 3 Sqn with Mirage IIIO-A aircraft. Operation
Thoroughfare & personal stories by those involved
& some of their wives..
'Operation Thoroughfare' 50th Anniversary Reunion Photos
PENANG TRAVEL - maybe of interest
"The UBON Story" (Reprinted with permission from Wings Magazine.)
Bill Farrell,
Qld. Secretary
Mobile: 0418 667 504
The Qld. Branch has a
rapidly-growing local membership, especially from the "Butterworth
generations". A quarterly full-colour State newsletter is
emailed and regular social gatherings are organised.
A small annual subscription is levied.
Blue sec3sqnassocqldgmail.com
or Terry
Sheahan apits bigpond.net.au
Qld. President Mobile:
608 830
Please “Direct Deposit” your payment to the Association’s Queensland bank account:
Name: “3 Sqn Assoc.” ; BSB 124001 ; Account No. 10516100. (Please identify purchaser's name in your deposit comments.)